Is This You?
You were diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes and feel guilty and confused about what you should eat.
You have a history of an eating disorder or dieting, and tracking your food and blood sugar is getting obsessive.
You're worried how your blood sugar is affecting your baby. You're afraid to eat and want to do everything you can to have a healthy pregnancy.
​If you can relate, you're in the right place!
Gestational Diabetes is not your fault
And you're not alone! GDM is the most common pregnancy complication and happens in about 18% of pregnancies.
Getting diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes is especially difficult if you have a history of dieting or an eating disorder.
You want to keep your numbers in range but at the same time cutting out foods is triggering.
You feel guilty for craving all the foods you shouldn't have.
You feel anxious every time you eat.
You want to get through the rest of your pregnancy without spending so much mental and emotional energy on food.
What You Get With the Empowered Method Gestational Diabetes Coaching

1:1 Coaching
Private coaching calls where we create your personal blood sugar management plan. Includes a food and blood sugar log review, a meal and snack plan that aligns with your needs and preferences, and strategies to tackle high fasting and meal numbers.

Your Blood Sugar Toolbox
By the end of each coaching call, you will have a specific blood sugar action plan so you stop feeling overwhelmed and know exactly what to work on for the weeks ahead. Get a detailed summary of our session delivered straight to your inbox.

Support & Accountability
Whether you'd like one coaching session or several, my goal is to get you the tools to manage your blood sugar without confusion or stress. Add unlimited chat access to your package for ongoing support and accountability to reach your goals.
Meet Your Coach
Hi, I'm Erica! Registered Dietitian and Health Coach
I know the struggles of having high blood sugar in pregnancy as I had borderline Gestational Diabetes last year. Before having my baby, I was an Eating Disorder Recovery Dietitian and I've have helped hundreds of women overcome binge eating and restrictive eating.
For many years, my relationship with food was solid...until I got pregnant.
Tracking my blood sugar four times a day, managing high numbers, and trying to figure out what I could eat was triggering and consumed all of my mental energy.
A lot of the mainstream GD diet advice felt restrictive and led me to feel even more guilty, so I realized I needed a different approach to get through pregnancy without feeling obsessed with food and numbers.
On my journey I met a lot of other moms who were also struggling in their relationship with food and were not getting the nutrition and emotional support they needed.
Which is exactly why I created my Empowered blood sugar method for Gestational Diabetes, to help other moms manage blood sugar without sacrificing their mental health.

Ready to get started? Apply below and I will reach out to you via email with next steps!
Questions? Feel free to reach out
via email or on tiktok!
Tiktok: @gdnutritionist